No. 666
Crime, Eccentricity, and the Sporting Life in 19th Century America.
May 18, 2024
Welcome ladies! |
My Dear Little Flowers,

Mrs. Pennyroyal's

Prudent Advice for Proper Young Ladies.

Boston, Mass.
April 1, 1884

My Dear Little Flowers,

So many of you have written to ask for my assistance in solving your most personal problems, and I am pleased and proud to have the opportunity, now, to bring you the benefit of my wisdom. To the young ladies I see struggling, as if lost in the dark, unable to find the proper road I say, let me be your guiding light, let me point you the way, let me lead you home. My advice begins on April 24; until then, I implore you to avoid any rash decisions.


Your humble servant, 

Mrs. T. Pennyroyal