No. 673
Crime, Eccentricity, and the Sporting Life in 19th Century America.
October 22, 2024

Rtihee Kvyopt

Rtihee Kvyopt
April 17, 2012

Tag: 1880

A Smuggler Queen.

The beautiful contrabandista lately arrested with five confederates near Deming, New Mexico.


"He Loves Me; He Loves Me Not."

How Marie Played a Romantic Trick on Her Lover and Brought Him to Time


To Arctic Enthusiasts!


The Queen of The May.

A Vegetarian's Fancy.


A Jealous Husband’s Mistake.

How a Reading, PA., merchant, broke open his wife’s charmer and discovered a supposed lover to be a harmless female cousin.


Afloat on a Cake of Ice.

Perilous Situation of a Skating Party on the Ohio River Near Zanesville, Ohio.


The Country Cureall.

Patients serenading the village doctor.


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July 4.

So this is your birthday again. Well, bless my soul! Columbia, you will be as tall as your father soon.



"Who wants to pway me a couple of wattling stwong games?"


Caught Helping Themselves.

Boston detectives arrest two stylishly-dressed women while in the act of the shoplifting game.


Seeing in the New Year.

Jolly sport among the giddy Vassar girls, fun in the forecastle, and a lonely New Year’s Eve on the desolate prarie.


Pretty Stars for the Southern Dives.

Fifteen charming chippies make Rome howl while voyaging to New Orleans, Louisiana.


Another Steamboat Disaster.

New York City, -- The Steamboat Riverdale blown up, August 28th – Rescuing the passengers.


Trying to Scare an Old Maid with a Wooden Dutchman.

A wooden Dutchman, rather than no man at all, was what a sensible spinster argued when some practical jokers under took to scare her in Oakland, Cal.


A Successful Trip.

William Leland, of Buffalo, N. Y., takes a pleasurable dive over the Horseshoe Falls and still lives to be written up.


A Woman’s Flat-Irony.

Miss Sallie Utterback, of Shoals, Near Vincennes, Indiana, knocks out a man with a waggin’ tongue.


Absolutely Pure.

The only absolutely pure and full weight desiccated cocoanut manufactured in this country.


Half-dime Novels and Story Papers.

Satan's sure-ruin traps - half-dime novels, five and ten cent story papers, and low-priced pamphlets for boys and girls.


Fighting Marines.

Some of Uncle Sam’s land and water police have a genial shindy among themselves at the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y.


A Rattling Main.

A desperate week-long challenge battle between Georgia and Arkansas cocks won by F. E. Grist's champion, Richard K Fox.


Another Amorous Parson.

Westchester County is all agog over the case of the Rev. Mr. White, accused of violently assaulting the sister-in-law of a brother clergyman. We illustrate the scene.


Collecting Beer Money.

A gang of female rogues, of the East Side, New York, work a little racket of their own.


Life on a Mississippi Steamboat.

The Story-teller in the Wheel-house of the "Belle Memphis"


Getting Above his Business.

How a too presumptuous shoe dealer’s attention to a female customer was resented by her male escort.





A Hot Day in New York.

While New York is by no means the hottest city in the country, there have been a few days during the present season when the temperature reached a height altogether incompatible with human comfort.


A Bloody Ruction.

Bayonets and Knives—A Sister’s Influence and Prevention of Murder.


Defying the Guards.

Downed by Kindness After defying a host of armed keepers, James Driscoll, in the Trenton, N. J. State prison succumbs to a gentle word.


Merry Christmas!


Aboriginal Footprints.


A Substitute for a Wife.


Killed and Eaten by Hogs.


They Got Hilariously Full.

Alleged cancan dance indulged in by young male and female swells at Jamestown, New York.


Independence Day in the Country.


Progress of Naval Architecture.


Fatal Soda Fountain Explosion.


Thimble Rig A La Mode.


Unmindful of their Attire.

A Fire in the Chicago Opera House creates a stampede among pretty actresses who rush to the street dishabille.


Illicit Distilleries.

North Carolina - An Illicit Whiskey Still in the Mountains Surprised by Revenue Officers.


Nature versus Art.



 Elizabeth Wharton, in custody, en route to trial in Annapolis.In June 1871, General William Scott Ketchum became ill while a houseguest of Mrs. Elizabeth G. Wharton, a pillar of Baltimore society. As the general lay dying, a second houseguest, Eugene Van Ness, became violently ill. When General Ketchum died, the police determined that he had been poisoned and they arrested Elizabeth Wharton
Murder By Gaslight - 10/19/2024
What would the beginning of First Avenue in the East Village be without the neon beauty of the Gringer & Sons Appliances sign glowing beneath a red-brick 19th century tenement? This iconic blast of neon has fronted the shop at 29 First Avenue since 1953, when it was commissioned by late owner Philip Gringer, according […]
Ephemeral New York - 10/21/2024
Soapy Smith's "star" notebookPage 9 - original copy1882-1883Courtesy of Geri Murphy(Click image to enlarge) OAPY SMITH'S "STAR" NOTEBOOK Part #9 - page 9 This is part #9 - page 9, the continuation of deciphering Soapy Smith's "star" notebook from the Geri Murphy's collection. A complete introduction to this notebook can be seen on page 1.      The notebook(s) are in
Soapy Smith's Soap Box - 10/19/2024
The Boeing 747 was the first modern passenger airline.  It was considered a wonder in its day.  For the first time, a passenger plane was soundproof, air-conditioned, and so quiet that those onboard could speak to each other without having to yell.  However, what the plane is perhaps best known for was its involvement with an enigmatic tragedy.At 6:57 p.m. on October 10, 1933,
Strange Company - 10/21/2024
What would the beginning of First Avenue in the East Village be without the neon beauty of the Gringer & Sons Appliances sign glowing beneath a red-brick 19th century tenement? This iconic blast of neon has fronted the shop at 29 First Avenue since 1953, when it was commissioned by late owner Philip Gringer, according […]
Ephemeral New York - 10/21/2024
Included in yesterday’s trip to Fall River was a stop at Miss Lizzie’s Coffee shop and a visit to the cellar to see the scene of the tragic demise of the second Mrs. Lawdwick Borden and two of the three little children in 1848. I have been writing about this sad tale since 2010 and had made a previous trip to the cellar some years ago but was unable to get to the spot where the incident occured to get a clear photograph.  The tale of Eliza Borden is a very sad, but not uncommon story of post partum depression with a heartrending end. You feel this as you stand in the dark space behind the chimney where Eliza ended her life with a straight razor after dropping 6 month old Holder and his 3 year old sister Eliza Ann into the cellar cistern. Over the years I have found other similar cases, often involving wells and cisterns, and drownings of children followed by suicides of the mothers. These photos show the chimney, cistern pipe, back wall, dirt and brick floor, original floorboards forming the cellar ceiling and what appears to be an original door. To be in the place where this happened is a sobering experience. My thanks to Joe Pereira for allowing us to see and record the place where this sad occurrence unfolded in 1848. R.I.P. Holder, Eliza and Eliza Ann Borden. Visit our Articles section above for more on this story. The coffee shop has won its suit to retain its name and has plans to expand into the shop next door and extend its menu in the near future.
Lizzie Borden: Warps and Wefts - 2/12/2024
 Elizabeth Wharton, in custody, en route to trial in Annapolis.In June 1871, General William Scott Ketchum became ill while a houseguest of Mrs. Elizabeth G. Wharton, a pillar of Baltimore society. As the general lay dying, a second houseguest, Eugene Van Ness, became violently ill. When General Ketchum died, the police determined that he had been poisoned and they arrested Elizabeth Wharton
Murder By Gaslight - 10/19/2024
The Boeing 747 was the first modern passenger airline.  It was considered a wonder in its day.  For the first time, a passenger plane was soundproof, air-conditioned, and so quiet that those onboard could speak to each other without having to yell.  However, what the plane is perhaps best known for was its involvement with an enigmatic tragedy.At 6:57 p.m. on October 10, 1933,
Strange Company - 10/21/2024
Soapy Smith's "star" notebookPage 9 - original copy1882-1883Courtesy of Geri Murphy(Click image to enlarge) OAPY SMITH'S "STAR" NOTEBOOK Part #9 - page 9 This is part #9 - page 9, the continuation of deciphering Soapy Smith's "star" notebook from the Geri Murphy's collection. A complete introduction to this notebook can be seen on page 1.      The notebook(s) are in
Soapy Smith's Soap Box - 10/19/2024
| Gamblers and Their Games.

Rtihee Kvyopt

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